Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God - January 9, 2012

Dear Family,
It sounds like Fern Prairie Ward is having so MANY MIRACLES :) YES!!! I love it! I brag about all the success your bringing to our ward Dad and Mom :) WAY TO GO! :) I am seeing some success over here too!! :)
With Lydia this week, we had a very intense lesson with her. I say intense because it was almost really bad. We first went in and she had the intention of bashing. Dad and Teagen you probably know what I mean. You can just tell when someone is ready to bash. (bashing meaning trying to prove the Book of Mormon is not true. Trying to take scriptures out of context. Basically, not having an open, teachable, humble mind. Questioning is one thing...but having a demeanor of negativity is another) I love Elder Boamorte. We teach very well togethor and we are always able to stay calm in sticky situations such as this one. She felt really offended in our last lesson apparantly that we believe that this is the only true church. She feels her other friends who are in other churchs are great people. And we agreed with her and tried to explain more. She also did some research on the current apostles and ran into some anti. I hate anti. It is so dumb.(anti-Mormon literature. Basically if you go into a Toyota store and ask them about the Ford vehicles, they will tell you everything horrible about the Fords. This is what anti-Mormon literature does - it finds things out of context and tries to stir people up into fear, disbelief and anger, rather that just learning about the church, it's history and teachings) I told her about the experience Mom had with the press saying Megan wasn't good enough to win state or something like that when that wasnt really what you said. (a great example. They asked if Megan is "that good". I told them she was a consistent athlete, who stayed focused and that with her and her teammates, we'd be successful. The press twisted that and quoted me as saying I didn't feel Megan could win the State Title! Made me so angry!!)  I don't know the story exactly. We then we referred her back to the Book of Mormon and knowing that that is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet, and if that is all true then you don't have to worry about all that anti stuff. But we have to push back her baptismal date. She is going to take longer to help her gain a testimony. We are still working with her and she is an amazing lady.
Sorry about not emailing yesterday btw. We had no place to email because of MLK day. But yesterday we went and conctacted a referral named Donny. Donny is a young man and we taught him the restoration. He told us he has been to many churches but doesn't like them because they are hypocritical. He is searching for the right church. A lot of people in the south believe that as long as you believe in Jesus Christ it doesnt matter which church you go to, but Donny is one of the few people that I have met that believes God has his one way and his one church. He accepted the baptismal invite and committed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and come to church. This young man is so elect. I am so excited for him.
This morning we got a call from the Mission Presidents wife, Sister Barry. She contacted someone and she is Brazilian. She lives in our area and Sister Barry said that she is really elect and wants to learn more about the church. So I think that we are going to have a lot of baptisms coming up this week. I am so excited. I know we are going to accomplish it. Ever since I came here I felt something BIG in the makings. This is it this year! Elder Nelson of the quorom of the twelve told a mission president that one day people would flock to the church because it is the last sign of hope on earth. He also said that this would happen in his lifetime. Elder Nelson is 80 years old. I think this is the year. With the presidential debates and the so called "mormon moment". In New York all the taxi's have mormon.org advertisements on the top and mormon.org videos playing inside the taxi's!! New York is exploding in baptisms! There are a lot of things happening right now and I am so excited for it.
I want to share one more scripture that goes along with the message last week and the importance of sharing the gospel. It is Matthew 6:33. Where it sais "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God". If you look down in the footnotes and look at the JST it sais "Seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God". That is what we should seek first. It is a commandment and we should look for every oppurtunity to share the gospel. So it can bless EVERYONES life. I love you all.
Elder Wise

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