Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Faith precedes the Miracle - January 23, 2012

Dear Family,
This week was fantastic. It has probably been the best or second best week I have had in Palatka.
Well, last night we received a call from our Mission President and tensions grew because we knew one of us was training. That is the only reason President calls. Elder Boamorte answers the phone and he was called to train. So maybe he will train Elder Huckvale? (Elder David Huckvale from Camas is currently in the MTC and schedule to arrive in Florida, Jacksonville on Feb 3, 2012! Who will train him? Will Elder Wise and Elder Huckvale be companions some day? That would be fun!) But basically, I am 99% sure I will be transfered. The only way I wouldn't be is if Elder Boamorte and his new missionary get white washed somewhere, but that probably wont happen. I have been here (in Palatka, FL) for 6 months. So if you are sending the package make sure it gets here by the end of the month. Transfers happen on Febuary 1st.
This week we doubled the number of lessons that we had the week previous. It was great. Valeria is the Brazilian that Sister Barry referred to us. We had a church tour with her and it was FANTASTIC! It went very well. She is hesitant to come to church services until she is more comfurtable unfortunately. We also went and visited Tamara this week and her boyfriend was there and we are now teaching him and hopefully they will both bring each other up.
Donny I think avoids us when we set appointments so we aren't sure if he really wants to learn. It is really sad to because sometimes people seem like they are just ready and waiting to accept the gopsel but then they just dont. I don't get it and its sad.
But this week I studied a lot on faith and it really helped. I felt like I had a lot more faith that there were miracles out there this week and they made us work hard to find those miracles. I love the scriptures in Ether 12: I think 12-18. It talks about how faith preceeds the miracle and how if we have no faith there will be no miracle. I think in verse 23 It says if miracles shall cease it is because of the lack of faith in man. I definitely grew a testimony of that this week.
It sounds like you all had a blast on the mountain.. Dad, thanks for saluting the dumb trail that dislocated my shoulder :P haha. I will get revenge on that trail when I get back. haha. Stockton, go dominate those games, think out your moves and how you can trick the defender and attack quickly... GO DOMINATE!! AND DEFEND HARD.. DEFENSE IS ALL EFFORT!!... We played basketball last p day... I HAVE LEARNED THE POWER OF CUTTING DAD!!! It works so well.. and EFFORT IN DEFENSE.. No joke.. no missionary wanted me gaurding them haha.. But, none of them can play basketball very well so that isn't sayng much for me but still haha..
Anyways, I love you all.. thank you so much FOR EVERYTHING I LOVE YOU AND I APPRECIATE YOU..
Elder Wise

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