Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, May 27, 2013

Bring Our Lives In Harmony With God's Will - May 27th, 2013

Dear Family,

We had a great week this week. We had a baptism yesterday. It was a great experience! His name is J.X. We found him 2 weeks ago and he came to church and loved it. He has come 3 times since then and was baptized yesterday. After his confirmation he stood up and gave everyone a hug! He was so excited! He came up to me afterwards and I gave him a big hug and he had the biggest smile on his face. It was amazing!

We also found an amazing family this week. A husband and wife, and a cute little 2 year old. They are really nice and are excited to come to church and see how it is. They got called into work this week so they couldn't come! They will soon though :)

We had Zone Conference this last week and it was super powerful! The spirit was really there. We talked a lot about repentance. This is one of my favorite quotes in Preach My Gospel and I am paraphrasing it. "Bringing our lives in harmony with God's will is the central purpose of our lives" That is so true! One big problem in the world is priorities. What is most important to us? That is why repentance is so important. Through prayer, scripture study, church attendance, and living the gospel of Christ will bring our lives in harmony with God's will. Obviously repentance is a huge part in the Gospel of Christ. Repentance is the process of bringing our lives in harmony with God's will. It was truly an amazing Zone Conference.

Well, not to much longer and I will be talking with you face to face :) OH and Micah, good luck with your acting thing! That is so amazing you were nominated best actor in Washington. I will pray for your success! Hope you win it!

Love ya'll! Have a great week!

Elder Wise

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