Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, May 6, 2013


Good morning :)

I have not gotten my package yet. I am sure it will come today! Thank you for the happy birthday wishes! (Elder Wise's Birthday is on May 7th) I can't believe I am 21.. that is sort of wierd. 

So this week was really good. We set a date with an investigator who was not willing to accept a baptism date for awhile. This lady, when she commits to something, she does it. We are very excited for her. She came to the Gladys Knight fireside deal. Elder Huckvale and I knew how Gladys Knight made her entrance. So we put her in a spot where she could shake Gladys's hand. It worked! SHE LOVED IT! haha. 

I have a really funny story to tell. We were at our WML's house on Saturday night. They fed us some delicious pulled pork sandwiches. They said "if you would like seconds there is some more in the crock pot in the kitchen." I loved them so I went for seconds. For some reason, I couldn't find a crock pot. I looked around and saw a black bowl that had what looked like meat. I excitedly began to dish my seconds. I put some barbecue sauce on. I was excited for the delicious taste. I took my first bite, it seemed really fat. I thought, wow, that was a fatty peace. I took my second bite and the same thing happened. I thought "eww... well, I can't be rood." I took my third bite and then I thought "something is wrong." I asked them if it looked right. Everyone started laughing at me. It turns out. The black bowl had the extra fat from the pulled pork. Yum.. I had some delicious pork fat. It was nasty!!!!!

Micah, I am really excited to be able to go to your graduation.. I was bummed because I thought I wouldn't be able to... I was wrong! YES!!!

I love ya'll.. Hope you have a great week! Sounds like we all have a crazy busy schedule! That is good.. time will fly :) Love you!!!

Elder Wise

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