Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, June 3, 2013

LAST EMAIL HOME!!!! - June 3rd, 2013

Good morning :D

We had a pretty good week this week. I am pretty sure I told you about the family Elder Jensen and I found. The wife came to church! Then we went to teach them last night and they accepted baptism dates for June 30th :) The work is moving forward. It is very exciting.

Our zone is really taking off!! We typically have 10-15 dates on each week. We now have 22 dates on. We have 4 families being taught and 3 of the families have dates. They all have a father and a mother. REAL GROWTH!!! It is amazing!

I am hanging in there! We are going around teaching and finding! Just working hard!

We had Mission Leadership Council this last week and it was really good. They talked a lot about desire and repentance. It was amazing and I really felt the spirit. I relearned that our desire comes from the love of God. 1 Nephi 8:12. When we feel the spirit we feel the love of God and we desire to share His gospel. As a mission, we are really focusing on repentance which is an amazing thing because we all need it!! 

Well, this is the last email I will be sending before I see you face to face! (Oh My Gosh...I can't WAIT! :) Thank you so much for supporting me on my mission! I know I am a pain! I wont be anymore though :) I promise!

I know that God is real! He loves and cares about us more than we can imagine! I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. Through His Atonement, we can feel peaceful, happy, receive strength, and be cleansed from our sins! I know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is true! It will lead people to Christ. Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God! Jesus Christ leads His church through him and I will follow the things he says because they are the words of Christ! 

Love you a ton! See you in a week and a half!!


Elder Wise

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