Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Loosen UP? - December 3, 2012

Hello :)

I was able to see the Christmas Devotional last night and it was great! I loved it!

Fleming Island is still doing great! It is sort of weird though. I was in my area quite a bit this week. This upcoming week I will be going on a trade off with an Elder down in St. Augustine on Tuesday, we have Zone Meeting on Wednesday, I will be in my area Wednesday night and Thursday, then Friday morning we have Weekly Planning. After that I will be going on a trade off with the Zone Leaders in St Johns. I will get back to my area Saturday night. So I will hardly be in my area this next week haha. I am learning and growing a lot though.

The apartment I am in is great! We have our struggles as every apartment does, but I have learned a lot from the Elders in the apartment and I hope they have learned from me. I guess when I came here I was very intense. I really try to be strictly obedient. The other Elders told me that I get a little intense with the rules sometimes and that I need to loosen up a little bit and have fun. WOW! I have never had anyone tell me that before. I just remember back home everyone would tell me I was just crazy and liked to screw around. Anyways, I think I have loosened up a little bit but have still kept my standard for obedience. It's been great here and we have some great Elders in our apartment.

I'm excited for this month! On either the 17th or the 24th we are having a district pday in St. Augustine. St. Augustine is the oldest city in the US and has a lot of neat stuff, so it will be really fun. I am doing dandy and the work is progressing. We are teaching a couple that has a baptism date for the 22nd, and we are teaching some others. We are constantly trying to find. Just moving the work of the Lord forward :) I love you all! Hope you have a great day!

Elder Wise

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