Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, November 26, 2012

FLEMING ISLAND - November 26, 2012

Hello :)

Well, are you ready to here where I am? I got transferred to the Fleming Island and my companion is Elder Moser. Elder Moser was actually Elder Huckvale's companion in the MTC. And one of my Zone Leaders is Elder Gebhard. I don't know if you remember me talking about him before I left? But he is someone Adam met at BYU and he got his call here and we started talking on facebook. So it is neat to be serving around him.

New Address:
2285 Marsh Hawk Ln. #3-305
Fleming Island, FL. 32003

So Fleming Island is just south of Jacksonville. It is also technically Orange Park, but not at the same time. I don't know, I really don't understand. But if you put Orange Park or Fleming Island in the address it will work. I put Fleming Island because that is the name of the ward. My District is massive! Typically there are 2-4 companionships in a District. Well, there is 7 companionships in my district. I am lucky, because the Zone Leaders are in my District, and 2 companionships are Sisters, and 1 is a senior couple. So there are only 2 companionships I get to go on trade offs with.

Things are great here in Fleming Island. The members are super loving and great! We had a Thanksgiving breakfest, lunch and dinner. I was stuffed by the end of the day haha. It was great! It sounds like you all had quite the feast at home. It sounded like a ton of fun.

Well, some more about the area. I am in a 4 man apartment still. It is funny though, because the other companionship in the apartment who is Elders Clark and Ales are in a completely different Zone. Elder Clark is the District Leader in his District. So Sunday night are sort of crazy in our apartment. We have a car share. So we bike one day and have a car the next day. That is pretty much what I have had my whole mission except for 6 months when I was all bike. Then I had all car my first transfer.

I am not sure if the Whittakers got baptized or not yet. They should have gotten baptized., but I couldn't tell you for sure.

Well, I am trying to figure out something really exciting that happened this week, but I can't think of any yet. OH, the thanksgiving Dinner we had was with the Bishop in this ward. They had a non-oil deep frier? Don't ask me how it works, but they cooked the chicken in that. No offense to anyone who has made turkey for me. That was the best turkey I have ever had by far. Most turkey is really dry and I don't like that. This one was moist and it was soooooo GOOD! haha.

Anyways, Elder Moser is from Los Angelas, California and he is a Lakers fan. So we started out rough haha. No, I am kidding. He is great and we are getting along wonderfully.

Well, that is about it for this week. I will have more next week. I am still trying to get used to the area. I have only been here for 4 days I think.

Oh. And ya, I sent the shoes last Tuesday and they said it should have gotten there by Friday?

Love you!
Elder Wise

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