Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BEST YEAR and a HALF!! - November 20, 2012


Sounds like Camas is dominating! GOOOO CAMAS! That is awesome! Dad had me nervous. I read his first and he said Mom would tell me about it. And it sounded like they lost. But nope! they WON!! WOOOHOO!

Well, here is the christmas list. OH and I need to explain something first. I REALLY DONT LIKE THE DUCKS!!! And the DUCKS get FREE nike STUFF. SO NOW I HAVE SWORN AGAINST NIKE haha. I am an ADIDAS man. So remember that haha.

1. Basketball shorts.
2. Basketball socks.
3. Ankle Weights.
4. and if I am lucky.. Basketball shoes haha ( and if you get those. can you get black and white ones so any shorts will match them?)

Well, this week was great. The Whittakers were interviewed on Sunday and they will be getting baptized on Saturday :) YAY!!!!! So that was great!

We started working with a less active member this week. The first time visiting him we were just talking. He was talking about the struggles he is going through. As he was talking a thought popped into my head to ask him if he believed that Joseph Smith was a Prophet. It was completely off subject, but I did. He replied saying "I dont know." We had another appointment to get to so we set up another appointment and told him we could help him find out if it is true. He agreed. We went back yesterday and had one of the most unified, clear, and powerful lessons I have been in with Elder Weaver. And he committed to read and pray. It was great! Follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, that is everything in missionary work because we as missionaries are just there. The spirit is the one teaching.

This area has really been amazing. I am really excited to see where I am going too. But I am going to be sad to leave this area too. :(.

This morning I was looking back at my mission so far. I am so glad I came! So much good has happened. In me and in others. I have been able to meet some amazing people who have changed my life forever. I am learning how to budget (still struggling with it. But I will get it). I have learned what the Gospel of Christ really is! I have learned how to become Christlike. I have learned how to share the gospel. I have learned how to connect with random people who have no similar interests as me. It really has been the best year and a half ever so far. And I guarantee the next 7 months will be the same.

Well, I love you all! I hope you have an amazing thanksgiving! Keep being amazing!

Love you
Elder Wise

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