Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gainesville, FL - February 6th, 2012

Dear Family,

Okay, so you know that I am in Gainesville. I have no idea what Brother Bedont is talking about because I am in a pretty nice area. (Brother Bedont told me it's a dangerous area he was in and it SCARED ME! But...he later explained it's b/c "college row" is there and there are many girls in bikini's, etc...so a "different" danger :))  There is a couple ghetto's but nothing to worry about. Well, I got white washed. My companion is Elder Riggs. The one that was in the apartment with me in Palatka.

So I have something that will be interesting for you to hear - President Barry called me to be an online missionary. So yes, I have a facebook account that I am on an hour a day.. and no mom, you can't chat with me... sorry haha.. I dont know exactly how it all works yet but I am working on getting started.

So we got white washed into an area with NO investigators. But my goodness this ward is full of missionary work. Everyone here is from about 25-32ish and are in residency for medical things.... A TON OF KIDS AND SACREMENT IS LOUD. They all do a ton of missionary work though. Every member we have seen is either working with someone or is giving us referrals, so it has been incredilbe. They are all willing to do a ton of sharing. It is a really really good ward and I am loving it.. and it is a very friendly area.

We found one investigator on  Friday. His name is kingsley and we taught him a very short restoration on the porch and invited us to come back tomorrow so we will see how that goes.

That is about all we got going on now though. Oh, and the campus isnt in my area.. but our WML is going to take us to thhe football stadium sometime and is also going to take us to some place to see a ton of gators... the WML is Brother Bass and he is the BEST WML I have ever met.... besides Dad :)

Anyways, I dont have much yet, but there will be a tons more coming soon I bet.

For a little spiritual thought. In Alma 6:6 it talks about fasting and praying for the souls who know not God. And I know that if we fast and pray for them and for us to have the strength to invite them we will have a lot more missionary oppurtunities come into our lives.

I love you all, the next email will be longer mom I promise. I got whitewashed and there isnt too much yet here but there will definitely be soon.

I love you a ton.

Elder Wise

p.s. and SEPT 13? seriously? That baby is GOING TO BE OLD whhen I get home.... hahah (Tish's due date for her baby!!!! YAY!) 

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