Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

SMILES - Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

Dear Family,
Sorry I forgot to tell you in the last email that we were having Elder Per G. Malm speak to us Monday (yesterday) so our P-Shift (Elder Dyerly and I call it that because it is only 8 hours... not a full day :) ) was switched to today :)!
Well, this week has been absolutely incredible and painful and LOONG!!! I will start off with the Gator Update'
Monroe: Monroe came to steak conference where Elder Per G. Malm also talked and he really really liked it! We are tryng to get him motivated to quit smoking! He wants to get baptized but he just doesn't have that drive to quit smoking! So we are working on that!
Dwayne: Dwayne is a referral from a member in Jacksonville! He is a really nice guy! He says he hopes the Book of Mormon is true but he hasn't done much reading! And reading the Book of Mormon is HUGE!! It is key to conversion!
Chantre: Chantre is hard to get a hold of! High School children are RIDICULOUS :P haha But she is way awesome and really sincere! We shoud be setting a baptismal date with her this week!
Cathy: She moved :( But we are sending missionaries to her! :)
We have a lot of referrals right now :) It is really good! And we should have an amazing week this week :) We have a lot of SOLID referrals to contact!
We had a lot of trade-offs this week because Elder Dyerly has to evaluate every missionary in our district! So I have not been in my area very much this week which made it interesting! And I went to a spanish area on a trade off! That was a long day! I basically just followed a Spanish missionary around and did nothing because I couldn't understand anything :P NOT FUN! haha!
Let me tell you, Elder Malm speaking to us yesterday is exactly what I needed! I have been so down this transfer and not as spiritual as I would have liked to have been but I am on the upend now :) I think I finally understand how to teach by the spirit now :) It is amazing! Elder Malm said, "When you are proselyting do not outrun the spirit! The spirit is in no rush! You shouldn't be either! When we take the lesson slow it allows the spirit to dwell in the lesson which is the most powerful thing you can do as a missionary!" He went on to talk about how our jobs as a missionary in a lesson is to create an envirement where the Holy Ghost can work his magic! And also something I learned through revelation that Elder Malm did not say was that as we have Charity and are pure in our thoughts and completely consencrate ourselves we will have the spirit to be with us and that is what makes an AMAZING missionary! He also said "A missionary who does not follow the spirit but relies on his own power is performing priestcraft" BAM!! That was a throw down statement! 

I learned so much at that Zone Conference yesterday I can't even tell you all of it! I have never felt the spirit so strong! And I have felt the spirit ever since I left that conference! Something I have been working on a lot lately is having charity and love and being able to have the spirit to be with me! And to smile because I have been smiling a lot less lately because this work is discouraging if we don't have the right mindset! And I haven't had the right mindset lately! But the last couple days I have been Mr. Smiles :) I'm myself again :) And I like it!!haha! One thing he spoke about that also stood out to me, he drew a circle on the Chalk Board and a little circle in the center so it was sort of like a target! Then he said a lot of times we try to look and see what can we do? We look to see how far we can go and still be okay! We look for the grey area! But what is our purpose while we are here on earth?? There are a couple reasons:

1. To gain a physicaly body
2. To grow and to become like our Heavenly Father!

I guess they are all in one actually because in order to become like our Heavenly Father we need to gain a physical body! So our main purpose of being here is to become like Heavenly Father!
WHY DO WE LOOK FOR THE GREY AREA?????? We should be striving to do our best and become like Heavenly Father!  WE SHOULD NOT be trying to go as far as we can away from the gospel without breaking the commandments! We should be trying to go to the center of the circle and not looking outside of the circle! So our focus should be on What can I do to become more like Heavenly father? and not Am I aloud to workout just a little bit on sunday? Would Jesus Christ do that? NO! So don't do it!
Elder Malm is absolutely amazing and he will be an apostle someday! Man, I have realized this last week that I don't want to ever go home because that makes it a lot harder to be closer to the spirit because there are so many other things you can focus on! I am only aloud to focus on getting close to the spirit WHICH IS AMAZING!! I LOVE being out here so much!
Mom and Dad, I love you so much! Thank you for doing everything you do! You have no idea how grateful I am for you! You are incredible people!!!! And AMAZING examples! I am so glad you are my parents! You are absolutetly INCREDIBLE!! I am so blessed and like I said before! I don't know why a punk like me should be as blessed as I am? (or why parents like us would be blessed with such amazing young men as children! :) 
I love you all and my p-shift will be on monday next week!
Only 3 months untill I get to talk to you!! :) BOO YA!! haha!
Love, Elder Wise

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