Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, September 5, 2011

SOGGY SCRIPTURES - Monday, September 5th, 2011

Dear Family,
Unfortunate! I was biking with my scriptures in my backpack and it poured on us and got my scrips wet :P and they are still usable. I don't want to ask you to buy new ones! But I also don't like how I marked them! So I am saving up money to buy new ones! I want to get the blue ones!

The bike is great! It took awhile to get it but it works wonderful!

Ya, I was sort of scared about Hurricane Irene! Glad it missed me! I also heard about the storms that are supposed to turn into a hurricane?? I don't really know any details about it yet? I did hear there are probably going to be at least 2 or 3 more hurricane threats :P GREAT!!
Anyways, GO BYU!! That is awesome! Their defense STUNK last year! Im glad to hear they are doing good! And I heard we had a good running back! I did not know his last name was Alisa though! haha! That is really funny!
I hear all about the Gators here! OH BOY!!! BIG GATOR FANS DOWN HERE!! or Seminole fans or Georgia fans!! But mainly Gator fans! They don't like BYU very much here! haha!! It is tough because I love to talk smack as you all know!! (big surprise! LOL) But I can't do that as a missionary! haha! It has been hard not to and it requires a lot of patience to withhold my opinion so I don't offend anyone!! BUT GO BYU!! I hope they beat Texas :)
We have been working a lot with this lady named Tamyra! She is less active but a super awesome lady! We read the book of Mormon with her a couple days ago and she started crying and she said I am definitely coming to church this week! IT WAS GREAT! BUT she didn't come to church :( We don't know why yet! But we are working with her!
Gator Update:
Monroe: Monroe had something come up sunday and couldn't make it to church! But he is a super solid and nice guy!! His baptismal date is on the 17th :)
Antawn: We still are just trying to work out kinks with him! We just are keep meeting him and answering his questions! He will take more time!
Chantra: We tracted into her last week! She is 15! And she is super open and we sat down with her the first time this week and shared the restoration and she committed to reading the book of mormon and to pray about it and to pray about whether joseph smith! When we were teaching the lesson she was listening super intensly so we have high hopes for her! And we are hoping to get her family involved in the lesson!
Dwayne: We haven't sat down and talked with him yet! But we got a referral from a member who lives up in Jacksonville to go visit one of his friends named Dwayne! So we did yesterday and he is really open! And he said it made sense that Jesus Christ would come to the Americas so we gave him a Book of Mormon and he said he would read and we are meeting with him tomorrow! We also have high hopes for him!!!
Casie: She has taken lessons before! She is Tamyra's daughter and she had a big problem with the missionaries who taught her before but she is open to it again and so we are going back to visit her tomorrow! Hopefully we can resolve those concerns!
Yesterday was a great day! We had a lot of success!! This week was just a really good week! We had a lot of success! We have had a couple miracle gators lately! Like Dwayne and Monroe! It has been AMAZING!!
Dad, you are very right about the Preach My Gospel - Chapter 8 - Finding People! It is so important to find by the spirit! In every single one of my personal prayers and our companionship prayers we pray to have the spirit with us in lessons and when we are trying to find people! We try to follow every random thought we have! And we try to look for the random thoughts! Like just a random thought! "We should go knock that house!" Just randomly! DONT LET THAT PASS!! DO IT!! That is a prompting from the Spirit! Following the spirit when Finding is HUGE!! It truly is! Working with members is a hard thing! It is just different with every ward I guess! It is a wierd thing!
Anyways, I have to go! I love you all very much! The work is progressing really where here and I am excited for what is coming up :) I love you all!!!
Elder Wise
P.S.S. Micah and Stockton!! You better both email me next week :) LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Elder Wise :)

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