Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 31, 2011 GREAT REPORT!

Dear Family,
It sounds like you had fun on your vacation :) GLAD to hear it :) Transfers aren't for two weeks! It happens on August 16th! And I will get transferred! Because I am with zone leaders! If you have a trainer who is a DL or just senior your typically stay 2 transfers! But I have ZLs so they don't keep you with them!
This week was AMAZING!! My trainers had to go to maclenny and then to Jacksonville on tuesday and wednesday and they left me in the area with a young man in our ward who is preparing to put his papers in! It gave me a huge confidence boost because it made me step up to the plate and plan everything and really take control of lessons! It was really good! And we had this amazing lesson on the Word of Wisdom with Melissa and she cried twice! Once when we talked about how big the step of Baptism is! And then we gave her a blessing of comfort that she would be able to quit smoking! And she cried during that too!
Then my companions came back! And then we all went to Jacksonville for a talk by Elder Giddins of the 70 on saturday! It was amazing! Nothing else has motivated me so much! Ever since that talk I have been a different missionary! He really made me realize that Heavenly Father has assignments for me here! And I need to complete them! And everywhere I go there is something significant I need to do! It was AMAZING!
Then late night Saturday we were out tracting and we contacted someone on there porch! We talked to him for a little bit and then he invited us in! His name is Anthony! We started our lesson and this was the most powerful and most uplifting lesson I have been in! For the first time I really spoke up and really contributed! Once the lesson got going I was actually the one talking the most! But all three of us had a really good balance and we were SUPER unified!! We ended up committing him to be baptized! It was amazing!
I really could care less if I am junior companion my entire mission or if I end up being Assistant because I know that where I am is where I need to be! And I will help someone there with the postition I am in! And as long as I work as hard as I can I know I will have success!
Then Sunday came around and us companions gave a talk togethor sharing the restoration! We had a missionary work sacrement meeting! It was so POWERFUL! We actually had a former gator show up out of no where! And she cried! And we are having FHE with her at a members house tonight! BASICALLY, this week has been amazing! Although we dropped a lot of gators because they werent progressing we also just had a bunch of AMAZING spiritual experiences!
Rodney: He has been out of town! We shared the Plan of Salvation with him this week and he seemed very not-careish! So we will see how he ends up going!
Mark: Also hard to get a hold of! But he is really SINCERE! The most sincere gator we have! And if we can get him to church and to sit down and have lessons, he will be great. 
Melissa: We had that amazing lesson with her! But she didn't go to church and she hasn't been answering her phone! So we are trying to figure out what is going on! She is also moving to another ward this week so hopefully we can make that a good transition! Please pray for that especially!
Bridget: That is the former gator that showed up to church! She is going through a tough time and we are trying to tell her that this can bring her peace and happiness! So she is finally starting to realize that!
Anthony: the person we contacted saturday! We are seeing him tonight and hopefully we can resolve a lot of his confusion about churches!
THIS WEEK HAS BEEN AMAZING! Hopefully I can have another wonderful week!


Elder Wise

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