Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011

Dear Family,
This week was a little hard!!!! We dropped a lot of gators! If you look at the list from last week to the one i will give you! There are very few similarities!

(Insert: Here is where he usually includes business part of email that he needs to let us know about. Money stuff. He is going to need to purchase a bike next transfer. Also, for some reason, some of his pants fit great, some not so much - which is strange b/c we bought them at the same place, same size, etc...so, he is asking for 3-4 more slacks. He also wants us to make him that "Restoration block set" where Christ is the foundation, Pillars are the Apostles, etc...if any of you know how to make that, please let us know! I'd love to make him one and send it to him)
Well this week was a very crazy week!!
Bridgett: She was supposed to get baptized this upcoming weekend but her dad started passing a kidney stone so she couldnt make it this sunday! It was sad!! So we just have to postpone the baptism a week! She is super solid though!
Melissa: SAD STORY!!! She disappeared! WE CANT FIND HER! She never answers her phone and we dont know exactly where she moved :( She just fell of the planet! That was super upsetting!!
Alysha: We met her this week tracting! ( we did a lot of tracting this week) She said she was filled with jjoy when we shared the restoration!! I did the first vision ;) and she said her heart was full! Her baptism should be on the 28th!
Andrea: Elder Failner and Snow tracted into her a long time ago but we couldnt get a hold of her since! Thursday night! We had a 10 to 9 miracle! Which is basically having a last minute lesson at 8:50!! We were driving home and passed her house and i just felt prompted to go try her! I said Elders lets go try Andrea! So we did and she let us in and we taught her the restoration and got a return apointment and she is really sincere so hopefully that goes well :) THAT MADE ME FEEL REALLY GOOD :)
And thats it!! Shawn was baptized my second week! remember him? We are having trouble gettting him to church so pray for him!!!
And we got in a car wreck this week! It was a minor accident and we are fine! But, ya! That sucked!! Wrecking a mission vehicle is a pain!! Elder Failner was driving and we were turning left and this lady ran the red light and hit us! No FUN :P (Insert...boy, that could have been bad. I'm SOOO happy they were okay. Just this WEEK, I learned of missionaries in Tennessee that were severely injured in a car accident. I have been praying for Levi's safety ever since. I really do feel they are watched over and protected.)
But that is pretty much how the week went! Im glad to hear you all are having fun back home boating and everything!! I miss that part!! haha! Stockton!! I didnt get an email from you?? :( Micah, YOU ARE GOING TO BE A ROCKIN DRUM MAJOR!! I CAN JUST SEE YOU NOW MARCHING WITH THAT LITTLE STICK THING AND WHISTLEING!! YOU LOOK GOOD ;)
Elder Wise

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