Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th, 2011- "Getting Transferred"

Dear Family,
It sounds like it has been a crazy week!
We got transfer calls Saturday and I know I am going to be transfered! Transfers happen on wednesday! So I need money by Wednesday please! And I need a bike, helmet, bike lock, and flashing reflectors, and a light that i can turn on in the front! Those are all requirements! So you all decide how much that would cost! I really have no clue how I can get a used bike though! I will try as hard as I can! Or I will get as cheap as i can at a bike shop! But I need it by Wednesday! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! My guess, is the bike will be about 300 hopefully.. I don't know about the other stuff!
The 80 bucks dad owes me can definatly go towards the bike! Basically at this moment I dont think ya'll owe me anything! I probably owe you a million dollars! :) Thats how much you love me! And how greatful I am to be brought up in the church and to have a wonderful family!
Since I have been on my mission! I have realized how lucky I really have been in life! (emphasis added :) We have a nice house! Cars! A strong family! We know the truth of the Gospel! Great Friends! And here I see people who have messed up lives and live in super nasty trailers! And just struggle and struggle and struggle! It really makes me question why Heavenly Father has given me so many AMAZING blessings! And I need to share those blessings of knowing the truth! And really coming to know the truth of the gospel will lead you to all of the other blessings!
Well, I forgot to tell you but a couple of weeks ago we saw one of our gators get arrested! That was crazy!
Anyways, Elder Holland also never ended up happening! That was sad! But something came up I guess! Oh and Mom, if you want to send me a couple more ties with the Restoration church and the Plan of Salvation thing that would be awesome!
Stephon: Stephon is a member referral from a kid who is about to go on his mission named Dustin! He just put in his papers! We shared the restoration with him and he said its like he already knew about it but didnt at the same time! haha! The spirit was so strong! He is going to start coming to church next sunday! I will probably be able to come back to this area for the baptism!
Bridget: We can't get ahold of her! Please pray that we will get in contact with her!
We found Melissa by the way! She is now taking lessons with other missionaries!
Verndale: He is WAY awesome! We found him tracting! He came to church this last sunday and he has way good desires! But he has some Chastity problems so he wont be baptized for awhile!
We dont have many gators right now :( We are working our tails off tracting though!
Well, I got attacked by a pit bull this week! Sort of! We knocked on this trailor door! And this Pit Bull was jumping up against the door! and no one answered so we started to walk away and the Pit Bull broke open the door and came straight for me! But I learned that when a dog comes after you, you just stand there, dont run! So I just stood there and it came up to me and just started sniffing me! I was so scared though haha!! But im okay!
I am so excited to be in a normal companionship because it will just be easier to speak up and I think I will learn a lot more! But transfers are wednesday and I dont know where but I know I am being transfered! So they might email you my address but if they dont! I will email you the address next week and tell you where I am at! I love you all very much! And mom and dad dont forget about the bike thing because that is pretty important haha! I love you all very much! And that truck story was funny :) It made me laugh ahaha!

I love ya'll and I hope you have a great week! Everyone here is getting ready to go to school already! How is that going for ya'll? I feel like I am getting a lot more confident and I am able to teach by the spirit a lot better! I love you all and I am praying for you :) GET THAT BOOK DONE ;)
Elder Wise

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