Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18th, 2011 - Week 2

How is everyone? Hope you enjoyed your trip :)
Thank you for the package!! I got it this morning!! :) THANK YOU :) Love the Fudge Jumbles!! I have so much food now with the food you sent me and Emilie Talbot sent me a package with just as much food if not more!!
Exciting news: Elder Holland is coming to talk to our mission on August 13 :) That should be awesome!!!
We do some trade offs!! We try to but sometimes it is really hard!!
But I did do a trade off this week and I was in Maclenny and they pulled a prank on me!! They said we were going to a gators ;) house and that she had a lot of questions and they wanted me to answer!! So we got there and she started asking WAY hard questions and I was doing okay but then it turned out she was a member haha!!!
And people here are so into the BIBLE!!! The Bible is the only word of god!! It is so hard to even convince them to read the Book of Mormon and Pray about it :P They are so close minded!!
They call themselves "Bible-thumping Baptists" haha
So we had a baptism on saturday for Shawn and he was supposed to get confirmed sunday but he didn't show up!!?? It turned out he got a job and had to work?? ummm... sabbath day? GUH!!! So we are working on him!!
We had to drop a lot of gators this week cuz they werent doing anything!! So we have done a lot of tracting!!
We ran into a guy named Rodney yesterday who is struggling with life!! He calls himself a Hermit!! But he is really open!! And he is committed to reading the Book of Mormon and he sais he feels that it is true but he wants to read the book before he commits to being baptized which is good!!!
Anyways, we have probably 4 gators!! I wanted to share some cool things with you!! But I dont have time!! I will share them with you next time!! It is things we do in our mission!! We have a third verse to the Called to Serve song and We have a mission scripture which is 3 Nephi 5:13 and insert Elder Wise after Behold, I,.. Elder Wise.. then continue!!
It is cool!! And we have something called the invite test.. I will probably write to you about all of this!!
Thank you much!! Love you all!!!
Elder Wise

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