Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11th, 2011 - Frist Week In Florida

Dear Family, (edited for friends - and please) 

The weather here is really strange! It is hot and humid but it has rained almost everyday so far!! We get a lot of lightning which is really cool!! But your skin gets really sticky when it rains!! Cuz its hot and humid which sucks!!!

Presidant Barry is an amazing mission president and he is a man called of God and I know that!! We aren't aloud to wear purple or pink ties though :( and we always have to have our hair parted!!! (I HATE THAT... I LOOK SOOO DUMB!) But it is a rule so I must follow it :) with a happy heart! And I do! So ya, my trainers are zone leaders and its tough sometimes cuz teaching in a threesome is hard! Because you don't get to talk as much as you would like to!
We are doing great things though!! We had 5 Gators at church this week! And 2 of them have a baptismal date set!! One is [a lady that has] some different and wierd thoughts... but she knows the church is true so you can't deny her the gospel and she has been through really rough times so it makes sense.. the other one is Shawn!! And he has an amazing testimony and the missionaries have been working with him for a long time!! But he is getting baptized this Saturday! HOPEFULLY... we were on our way to the library to email and we caught him smoking :( THAT WAS SAD! But he sais that was just one time.. I really hope he isn't lying!!! He has a great testimony!
And we have more Gators that are coming along but just need more work!  My favorite one is Mary.. she would be an amazing member and I want her to come to the truth sooo bad! She loves meeting with us and she committed to come to church on wednesday and Sunday! And she didn't show to either :( We tracted in to her tuesday! We have a class the missionaries teach on Wednesday. I am teaching it this week :) Hopefully Mary will come around :)
We tract a lot!! But typically it is only a half hour at a time! Yesterday I ran into a lady who self-proclaimed herself to be a Prophetess? She said she was called of God to get people away from church because they are corrupt! She is a little crazy!
And can you send me soccer shorts?? and Fudge Jumbles?? I need sugar but I cant because I HAVE NO MONEY!!! well, I do.. but very little money!! So if you want to send me Fudge Jumbles AND cookies :) I WOULD LOVE IT!! And I haven't got a letter since I have gotten here! Which is sad!! 
I miss all of you and I love you very much!! I know this church is true!! This last week I have gotten pretty home-sick and I really want to be at home but I love it here and I know this is where I am supposed to be!! Hopefully I won't be home-sick for too much longer!! Pray for me and the work :) and ALL missionaries :) And make sure you guys do missionary work yourself and give missionaries referrals!!! The members are SOOO BIG in conversion!!! And make sure you are friendly to Gators :) Oh and all the missionaries here hug each other... no shaking hands haha.. except for sisters haha...! I love you guys and I miss you a lot!
The ward is really nice!! They bring us food on sundays all the time!! Oh we aren't allowed to eat with members! We have something called prime proslyteing where we have to be out knocking doors or visiting with Gators!! NO MEMBER VISITS!! from 5 to 8!! So no dinners with members until the weekends!! But the members give us food!!

Elder Wise
My trainers told me I need to get a GPS and I need sheets and I will be sending some clothes home to y'all!! I am picking up the southern accent a little btw!! It is wierd!! My companions have it! LOVE YOU! 

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