Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurricane Missed Us AGAIN! - August 28, 2012

Dear Family,

This week was very interesting and weird. With Elder Craig going home and me not working much in my area because I was with them. It felt like we were all just sort of waiting for transfers. We obviously were out working but a lot of things fell through and didn't go very well. So we were all wondering what was going on.. and we decided we had all pretty much just been waiting for transfers to come which is not good. Basically, we were out working, but it just didn't seem effective. Anyways, Chris got married on saturday. I think I told you about him in the last email. But he should be getting baptized this Friday or Saturday. Still trying to figure out exactly which day.

One thing Elder Craig, Elder Jensen and I have been talking about lately is having faith in priesthood blessings. That is one thing we were  blessed with this week. We got to exercise the power of the priesthood quite a bit this week which was incredible. We went to the hospital probably 3 or 4 times this week. And went to a couple of assisted living places to give blessings as well. We talked a lot about how a lot of times we just lack faith to bless them to be healed. Sometimes we will be prompted to say it but we get scared and wonder "what if it doesn't work?" It has really humbled me and shown me how much more my faith needs to increase in order to be a fine tuned effective instrument in the Hands of the Lord.

Mom, sorry I haven't sent the pics yet. I have been trying to write up captions to the pictures but I just haven't had time. But i will make time and i will get it done. And Dad, I have the extra copy of the Harvest paper which I will send today.

But other than that things have been a little slower this week. Most of the appointments I had fell through. And other than appointments we were in the other Elders area.

But this week I really learned how important it is as a missionary to study for our investigators. And at the same time we learn. But if we study in personal study the things that will be teaching later that day to our investigators, things always stand out that would really help them and we learn a lot at the same time. But I have noticed that my teaching has gotten a lot better since starting to do that. And not because my teaching skills have improved but because I prepare and study for them that day. 

I am sure you have also heard of the tropical storm Isaac. We were all hoping it would hit us because we knew if it did it would only be a category 1 or 2. I haven't even heard what happened to it. I just know that it is in the gulf and heading for the New Orleans again. But we have got some good winds, rain, and thunder and lighting.

Transfers are tomorrow and I am excited but nervous at the same time. I have to be in Jacksonville at 10:30. The meeting starts at 1, but the trainers have to be there early to meet the trainee and then we have lunch and have a training by President Barry. So I am excited. 

But I gotta get running. Mucho to do!

Love Elder Wise

Monday, August 20, 2012

Training again! :) August 20, 2012

Dear Family,
This should be an exciting email!
Well, to start ou the week. I went on a trade off with another missionary named Elder Beazer. He is a spanish missionary and has been out about 4 months. We were on bikes that day. I believe it was Wednesday. It was raining pretty hard and I took a turn at the normal speed I took it. But I wasn't thinking of the fact that the ground was wet. Well, I first feel my back tire slide out from under me. Then my front tire went. And my body went to the ground. After sliding a couple feet. I got back up and assessed the damage. I just got a good burn on my elbow. Thankfully I had my helmet on. I always wear my helmet while biking because it is a rule. I am disobedient if I dont. But, I hit my head pretty hard on the sidewalk. Thank goodness my helmet protected me :) Obedience pays off :)
Then Friday morning roled around. At about 10:10, Elder Bennion and I are getting ready to head out to the spanish Elders apartment to do laundry and do our weekly planning. We don't have a washer and dryer in our apartment. Anyways, as we are packing stuff up. I hear Elder Bennion answered the phone and he says "good morning President, this is Elder Bennion." So I start thinking why President Barry would be calling. I thought maybe Elder Bennion is training because it is about time for the training calls. Eventually, Elder Bennion hangs up and he tells me that he is getting emergency transferred. I was really confused and I didnt believe him. But sure enough, an Elder got sent home up in Georgia and Elder Bennion was sent to take his place. So now I got thrown in another Trio. I am with Elder Craig and Jensen until transfers which is on the 29th.
Then Saturday roles around. We get in at night and finish our planning. We get ready for bed and I am talking with Elder Craig and Jensen. And I hear my phone going off in the other room. I just thought it was the ward clerk or something. I relaxingly walk over to the phone and I saw that it was President Barry. As soon as I saw it I knew what was going on. I picked up the phone. We just chatted for a little bit. Then he said "Well, Elder Wise, the reason I am calling is to extend a calling to you to be a trainer of a new missionary.." And before he could extend an initation to me to accept the calling I said "are you sure?". And then he explained that I did a great job last time and that the Lord needed me again. And then he said "Are you willing to accept?" And of course I said yes. I just said "are you sure?" for two reasons. 1. I wanted a little bit of a longer break from training. I mean I only got a transfer break :P haha and 2. to just be funny..
I think there is a pattern here. My companion gets an ET about a week and a half before transfers and I get a call to train a new missionary. So next time my companion gets an ET a week and a half early, I am going to be scared haha.
So Elder Huckvale is finishing up his training this transfer. And Elder Craig is finishing up training Elder Jensen. And Elder Craig is going home. So I am hoping that Elder Huckvale will get transfered to Ocala with Elder Jensen. Because then we will be in the same apartment :) That would be so sweet. And Elder Huckvale is 99% likely to get transferred. He has been in Normandy for 7 1/2 months.
Oh, and I have yet to see any gators. I have gone hunting to find one and I still couldn't find one. I think they are scared of me or something ;)
Everything is going wonderfully in Ocala. There is a man named Chris and missionaries have been working with him for a long time on and off. It is a part member family. And the biggest problem is just the fact that they werent married. Well, the spirit hit them about 3 weeks ago. And his entire attitude changed. And so did his future wives, Haley. He had his baptismal interview yesterday. He is good to go. they are getting married this next weekend and he is getting baptized on August 31st. Which is going to be the new missionaries first weekend :)! I love it. Elder Thomas came in and had a baptism his first weekend. And now the next one is having the same thing. The Lord is definitely blessing us.
This next week is going to be extremely busy. We are combining both of our areas so we have a lot to do.
Oh, and my guess for Tish's baby is September 8th. :) The spirit testified to me that it will be the 8th. So prepare :) haha.
I love you all! Have a great time in Idaho.
Love ya,
Elder Wise

Monday, August 13, 2012

Power of God is Real - August 13, 2012

Dear Family,

It is incredible what the power of God can do. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if we have faith, hope, charity, and an eye single to the glory of God. D&C 4. It has been incredible. The power of God is real. We can do anything with Him, and we can do nothing without Him.

I know that the priesthood is real. And when used with charity, we can heal the sick, soften hearts, and much more. I have witnessed so many things that I didn't even think were possible before my mission. I am so grateful for the oppurtunity to serve. I would be so lost without it.

Is Stockton still in band? Will Micah and Stockton be in band togethor? That is amazing!

Well, I have an entertaining story to tell. There is a park near our apartment that we go to to workout in the morning. It has a football field and a track. We were all walking and we just got on the track, and we walked about 20-30 more meters and Elder Craig jumped. He just about stepped on a snake. Elders Craig and Jensen started to analyze the snake. And they were pondering if it was alive. Elder Jensen decided he wanted to kick the snake. As he lifted up his leg Elder Craig yelled out "Oh it's ALIVE!" As the jumped back the snake tried to strike several times. We all got out of the way safely. Elder Craig, having set in his mind to kill the snake. Which at this time we identified as a Water Mocason. Which is an extremely venimous snake. If you get bit, you want to go to the emergency room asap. Elder Craig grabs one of those long medal benches that sit on the side of the football field. He takes it over to the snake and smashes it. He then gets on the bench and started jumping up and down. Then he started sliding the bench back and forth to grind the snake into pieces. Elder Craig is now very proud of the fact that he has killed a Water Mocason, which I would have to say is very impressive haha :) It was just a fun experience I had this week.

Other than that, everything is going really well. We have a couple baptisms set up for the end of this month. Everything is going really well here in Ocala. If I did the gator update anymore I would run out of time :) haha. But we found a family this week. The Fathers name is Jay. And guess what?? He is a boxer. But not just an oridnary boxer. He is going pro in January! Awesome HUH? They are great and super prepared to receive the gospel :) The Lord definitely prepares people to recieve the gospel.

Well, my hand is starting to hurt which means my time is up haha :) I love you all :) Everything is going great! Have a great week!


Elder Wise

p.s. Mom. I forgot to wish you happy birthday :( I'm really sorry! I totally had it written down in my planner. But I think I have just been so caught up in the craziness of everything, things slip my mind. Even when they are written down. haha. Love ya!

Monday, August 6, 2012

GOT CHARITY - August 6, 2012

Hello Family :)

The Fudge Jumbles traveled great :) AND TASTED GREAT :)

Well, it sounds like you all had an amazing week! I was just looking through some of your facebook pages and looked at some pics. Bishop Wight has the EXACT same bike I do! Except his has suspension. Crazy huh? haha.

Anyways, I loved biking up Mt Constitution when I did it. It was crazy hard but fun! And way to be 3 out of the 5 who fully qualified for scuba diving... that's AWESOME! And Dad, I liked your exaggerations!

Well, this week has been a good week. We have made a lot of progress in the area. We are working with several part-member families. And every non-member in those families want to get baptized. It is just a matter of time. I am having a great time here. Everything is AMAZING! From the members to the missionaries in the apartment! Everything is GREAT!

I have recently been pondering on how I can more fully dedicate myself and how I can constantly ponder the gospel of Christ. So there are a couple things I did. I made a book. It is a small book that I put in my pocket right with my tag. I call it my "Repentance Book". Whenever I notice that I did something disobedient to the gospel or to the missionary handbook I write it down in there. And then at night I make plans to fix those and I ask for forgiveness. And that has really helped me focus on the gospel of Christ and become more focused on my mission.

I was asked by my District Leader to give a training in one of our District Meetings. He asked me to train on charity. So I had read a lot out of Moroni and Ether in preperation for it. And I really noticed how important faith, hope, and charity are. It is really interesting. In  Moroni 10 it says that unless a man have charity he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Which just shows that it isn't just getting baptized to enter into the kingdom of God. It is so much more than that. In Doctrine and Covenants 4 it says that faith, hope, charity, and an eye SINGLE to the glory of God qualify him for the work. Those are the 4 main attributes all of the saints of God should have.. especially full time missionaries. Because we ALL go through tough times. We need faith and hope to get throught those times. We need to constantly expect the good. Specifically applying it to missionary work. I have really seen that when I have no faith and hope to find someone that day, we dont. And it always seems that when I have a lot of faith and hope that we will find someone that day. WE DO! It is absolutely incredible, the miracles that can be wrought by faith and hope are tremendous. It says in Ether 12 that the miraculous things that happened in the Book of Mormon occured by faith.

And in Doctrine and Covenants 121 it talks a lot about how the priesthood cannot be used unrighteously. It can only be used upon the principle of love. I have also experienced that. Love is so important. "Charity is the pure love of Christ." Bible Dictionary. I know that when I have had love for those I am talking to, you can feel the spirit. And when I don't, the spirit isn't there. It is all about charity. And when we are filled with charity we will bear a bold powerful testimony that is not overbearing. But it will pearce them to their hearts. I love the gospel. It is so true! I have heard some crazy things on my mission that have made me thinkI hear, . But nothing can convince me that this gospel is not true. Because the spirit has born witness to me that it is true countless times. I love it so much!

Anyway, everything is going really good. It is already half way through this transfer.. time is flying by like crazy. Elder Bennion and I keep talking about the MTC. It is crazy. That seems like it was so long ago but not at the same time. That's why only having 10 months left is scaring me.. I just need to take advantage of this time.

So every Sunday night we go over to a mans home named Brother Gard. Brother Gard was baptized 20 years ago and went less active and started coming back to church a year ago. He arranges dinners for us. That is his calling as a a ward missionary. And every sunday night he feeds us what we call "Gard Burgers". And they are so good... but so UNHEALTHY. haha. This last time I ate three bagels before I went over and then I ate the Gard Burger and I almost died. I thought I was going to throw up. But I thought I would just tell you about the delicous burger. :)

Anyways, I love ya'll a ton!

Elder Wise