Elder Levi Wise

Elder Levi Wise
"A missionary is someone who leaves there family for two years so others can be with their family for eternity"

Elder Wise has been on his mission:

Monday, June 27, 2011

MTC Week 2

Well, Levi is in week 2 of the MTC and loving every minute of it! Last week, I received an email on Monday and a handwritten letter the same day that was written on he day he entered the MTC. There was a definite difference in "tone and voice" from day 1 to the Monday following! 

Day 1, he was tired, overwhelmed and a bit frustrated and our favorite quote: "I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN"!!! :) The following Monday, he reported that his favorite thing was a fireside they had with 2500 missionaries and they all sang "Called To Serve". He said, 

"I was so excited! I have dreamed of doing that for soooooo long! I finally got to and man Micah! I can´t wait for you to experience that! My body was tingling the entire time! And I sang so LOUD AND PROUD! It is amazing!"

He also loved the food and the fact that they had unlimited Chocolate Milk! LOL. What I loved is when he said he wanted to state the Missionary Purpose - b/c he loved it! Here it is: 

"My purpose as a missionary is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, Repentence, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End!!!!"

He expressed how much he loved that! Today, the email we received is how excited he is to get to  served in Jacksonville in just a week's time! He also shared how he got to teach a "TRC investigator". He shared this (after the man asked why God doesn't answer prayers - which was a question I had for a long time!) : 

"I shared Mosiah 4:9 (look it up) and I explained we dont understand everything god does!!!! And I related it to children!!! And said that as a child they dont understand that the things parents do for them is for there best interest and but they realize it later.. and it is the same thing with heavenly father!" 

After sharing a bit more of the story, Levi - in closing said, "I love this work, and I can't wait to change lives!" What a beautiful statement! 

Levi grew from a small seed to a tree in just a few short weeks...I'm excited to see what he becomes in the mission field over the next 2 years! 

More to come...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Twas the Night Before Mission...

'Twas the Night before mission and all through the house, 
not a creature was stirring, but Levi - all over the house! 
His suitcase all packed nice and neatly with care; 
knowing that tomorrow soon would be here! 

The parents all nestled snug in their beds, 
with visions of just TWO children danced in their heads. 
And mom in her PJ's and dad in his G's, 
were all settled down for a quiet nights Z's. 

When the alarm, it rang, with such a loud clatter! 
I jumped from my bed to see what was the matter!
4am already? Time to get ready and go! 
This is the day, the day I really begin to grow. 

Today is the day, it's finally here...
I enter the MTC and will serve for two YEARS! 
I'll study and pray and obey all the rules, 
I'll serve and I'll teach and I'll be the Lord's tool. 

Now mother, now father and Micah and Stock. 
Up Grandma, Up grandpa..it's time to ROCK! 
Off to the airport, off to the plane! 
Off to be taught and molded and trained! 

All dressed in a white shirt and a dark suit and tie.
Clean cut and shaven with scriptures at his side.
An ambassador of the Lord is what he will be, 
bringing the message of happiness to all who seek. 

He'll grow to love those he serves in the Jacksonville Mission, 
he'll think nothing of himself, for that's his commission. 
From a boy to a man, he will grow to be. 
Returning with Honor, He'll be what God wants him to be. 

So with tears in our eyes, but joy in our hearts, 
we are proud that you are off to serve the Lord in these parts. 
And we heard Levi exclaim as he flew out of sight...
HURRAH FOR ISRAEL...the field is WHITE!.